Camping tableware is an important part of the equipment of every traveler and adventurer. It is intended for cooking, eating and drinking in nature. Camping cookware is a great way to eat in these conditions because it is light, portable and durable. It is suitable for soldiers, fishermen, hunters, travelers, tourists as well as festival visitors.
Thermoses are ideal for storing hot drinks such as coffee, tea or cocoa. In winter, they keep the drink inside warm, in summer, on the contrary, cold. In our offer you can find thermoses with a volume of 500 ml or 1000 ml.
The mugs are intended for drinking hot and cold drinks. They are made of different materials, such as stainless steel or enamel. Mugs are available in different sizes and colors. For coffee lovers, we offer a mug for preparing fresh filtered coffee (french press) from Helikon.
Cutlery is essential for eating. Cutlery is available in different sets. We also offer folding cutlery.
Mess kit
Mess kits are intended for cooking and eating in nature. There are many different types of cookware and dishes to choose from.
The bottles are intended for storing water and other drinks. They are available in different sizes. Choose the size that suits your needs. We also offer 1L field bottles.
Camping stoves and cookers
Camping stoves and cookers are essential equipment for anyone who loves camping and outdoor activities. With a camping stove, you can prepare hot food and drinks even on the road, in nature or in the mountains. In our offer, you can also find accessories such as solid fuel for the stove.
Flints, matches, lighters
Flints, matches and lighters are part of outdoor cooking. Whether you're a camping enthusiast or a casual weekend adventurer, a magnesium flint or waterproof matches are the perfect choice for starting a fire in the great outdoors. You'll also find a Clawgear gas lighter in our range. No matter which option you choose, these are key tools for starting a fire in the outdoors. Always follow safety guidelines and be responsible when using a fire in the outdoors.